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Krill Oil - a superior source of Omega-3s

2 min read

Krill Oil is different from fish oils because it is naturally pure and contains Phospholipid Omega-3s and Astaxanthin.

Not your typical Omega-3s

The Omega-3s you get from marine fish oils are usually in triglyceride form - the Omega-3s from Krill Oil however are bound to phospholipids. Phospholipids and triglycerides are different types of lipid with different functions within the body. Without getting too bogged down with science this post will try to explain how they influence utilisation of Omega-3s in the body.

Krill Oil also contains astaxanthin which is a natural antioxidant and gives Krill Oil its deep red colour.  This antioxidant helps keep the Krill Oil fresh and free of additives by acting as a natural preservative.

Krill Oil is sourced from the unpolluted environment of the Antarctic in a sustainable and fully traceable manner. Less than 0.33% of the worlds krill population is harvested annually and what a population it is!

You may be interested to know that krill is the largest biomass on earth - almost twice the weight of the entire human population!

Concentrated key fatty acids

  • Because Krill Omega-3s are bound to phospholipids they are better utilised by the body, this means that the fatty acids are more concentrated. 
  • A greater concentration results in much smaller capsules which are easier to swallow
  • Krill Omega-3s mix in with the stomach contents instead of floating on top like fish oils, this means there are fewer fishy burps and digestive complaints.

Highly bioavailable phospholipid Omega-3s 

  • Triglycerides are the form of fats the body uses for energy and also the form that the body uses to store fat for future needs, whereas phospholipids are structural components of cell membranes.
  • When compared with triglyceride Omega-3s research has shown that less phospholipid Omega-3s are needed to reach equal bioavailability in organs and cells.
  • Omega-3 bioavailability is increased when delivered by phospholipids due to a more efficient absorption of Omega-3 phospholipids in the small intestine
  • Research has shown that high levels of EPA and DHA in the blood gives various benefits such as:
    • Supports normal blood pressure
    • Supports normal cholesterol levels
    • Supports normal heart health

Rich in astaxanthin

Astaxanthin protects the Omega-3 fatty acids from oxidisation which means no additives are needed to maintain the stability of the Krill Oil.

Here is a little information about Astaxanthin:

  • Astaxanthin is a carotenoid which is a compound which amongst other things provides colour to your food - this particular carotenoid is a red/pink colour
  • You may not know that flamingos are actually born white and not pink. They get their colour as the food which they eat is high in astaxanthin
  • Astaxanthin comes from a microalgae called haematococcus pluvialis, when consumed by creatures such as prawns, salmon, krill and lobster it gives them their pink colour.
A healthy balanced diet is the best way to consume all the nutrients we need. Sometimes however this isn't possible and then supplements can help. This article isn't intended to replace medical advice. Please consult your healthcare professional before trying any supplements or herbal medicines.